Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gutless Gringos Chingones

After loosing Texas to the Texans, Mexico lost 2-1 to a dismal Portuguese side, albeit the chillies go through to the next faze - and deservedly so.
Nevertheless - only because they didn’t face tougher competition (Ivory Coast, already out, and others probably following suit e.g. Croatia or Australia, France, Tunisia, or any team from Group E, could quite easily be in Mexico’s position, if only they had more luck in their group composition...

Except for the 1st half, where a Portugual 2nd side (no excuse) won the game and shown some attitude, the rest of the time we had a clear display of all the reasons why Portugal will NOT go far in the world cup, nor will EVER win any major competition, unless our mentality changes.
In spite of the blog’s title, I never expected the team to win the cup; but I never expected Anti-football…

The message we sent to the world was the following:

o -it is less our merit, but basically the other team’s demerit;
o -we strive to be mediocre and are proud of it;
o - players without courage or ambition;
o -we take good fortune for granted
o -last but not least, we don’t have CHAMPION attitude!!!

In line with what we’ve been doing in the easiest of all groups, we’ve been lucky as hell and practically stole the points from weak, but more determined teams.
It was so bad, I don’t even want to talk about it.
Worst than that, only the drunken slobs rioting in the otherwise peaceful German streets…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Portuguese team showed a remarkable performance... After the
victory against the Mexican team yesterday they are also in the first place of group D. Maybe there´ll be finals Germany against Portugal -
who knows?

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Playing like we did, against Mexico, we certainly will go nowhere.
Granted, that 5 usual and influential Portuguese players (Deco, C. Ronaldo, etc.) were rested to clean yellow cards, I understand that it was not the real display of what Portugal can play; but you are being kind when you say Portugal showed a "remarkable performance" – it was mediocre in the 1st half, terrible in the 2nd!!! Mexico deserved to equalise and could have justly won! They fought hard and showed a good attitude, all game long; as we were already qualified, and a draw was sufficient to guarantee first place in the group, Portugal didn’t have to apply too much energy in the match, but I and many other feel that the team should have tried to control the game, at least, and give an honourable image of itself and of the country – both didn’t happen! The less used players didn’t do anything to impress and the result is more reflection of Mexico’s demerit, than our merit.
Anyway, be as it may, Portugal and Germany are the only two teams, so far, to have won all the games…

7:45 PM  

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